So, what is Yoga Nidra, really?
Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. Yoga Nidra, with its deep breathing and mental focusing techniques, quickly stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, or "relaxation response" and evidence shows that, in addition to the immediate benefits of deep breathing, yoga nidra can support the relief of chronic stress over time.
Today, a lot of people practice Yoga Nidra in order to fall asleep. And, while there is nothing wrong with falling asleep during a Yoga Nidra practice or utilizing the practice to support you with that, it's important to remember that the intention of the practice is actually to not fall asleep. While we practice, we remain conscious and alert and reap the benefits of doing so when it comes time to rest at the end of our day.
There has never been a better time to develop a regular meditation and deep relaxation practice than this moment in history. The long-term impact of the coronavirus on people financially, socially, and psychologically has yet to be seen. We are committed to making practices that enhance well-being and the experience of relaxation for people at a highly affordable rate. We hope you'll consider joining us...